Monday, September 7, 2015

Social Studies- Chambers

Get ready to learn about the world and the people in it!

This year in Social Studies we are going to focus on studying physical geography and human geography.  This is an important foundation to really understanding our complex physical world and the people in it.

As we work in Social Studies we will be using 5 thinking skills:

1) Describe: Explain/describe the connection between two or more different topics
2) Analyze: Figure out the main ideas and supporting information in text, illustrations, graphs, charts, maps and other Social Studies information
3) Evaluate: Make judgements, based on evidence, about Social Studies topics
4) Compare and Contrast: Show the similarities and differences between two or more topics
5) Generate Arguments: Create logical, persuasive arguments, based on evidence, and present them in multiple ways (written, orally, technology)

Question: How many countries are in the world? Watch this video to see! Tour the World video